Ocean of Storms
Ocean of Storms
Genre: Technothriller
I'll be honest from the start. I only got a chapter or two into this book. I don't know exactly because my brain hurt so badly from all the cliche's and bad writing to really process much. Every character in the book is pretty standard, the 'brilliant scientist who wanted to give back and is a cop who works with kids to have some happiness in her life' the 'woman President with her long trusted advisor who she always listens to, except in situations like these' there was some guy at a science station, and each of them we learn their entire backstory up front so it doesn't leave any sense of mystery. Maybe we learn more about them, but frankly I didn't care enough based on what I already knew to find out more.
The storyline that bothered me the most was the President. Clearly whoever wrote this part has never actually been in leadership and had to make tough decisions or had others around giving advice. The conversation also jumped around move forward to conclusions they wouldn't have made because of evidence they didn't have yet. It also bothered me that in this section we find out a plane crashed in Hong Kong, only to then go to another character who's backstory we needed to hear, walk through a museum, and THEN the plane crashes by her. It makes the whole thing feel jolting.
Ultimately, I was not a fan, I would not recommend, but it seems to have lots of positive reviews on Amazon so maybe I missed something. But I don't think so.
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