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Holding On Too Tightly

  For a long time I held on tightly to my goal, my vision, for where I felt my life should go. I had a plan for the job I was working for, what degrees I would get, what friends I would have, and what life would generally look like into retirement. I am very type A, so having a plan has always been, well, part of the plan. Then 2020 happened. It's cliche to say the pandemic changed everything. But the pandemic changed everything. It put me in a situation where I had no control; there was no plan, we didn't even know what the next day would bring. The laws were constantly changing, and in a heavily legislated state during covid, there were many daily changes. I couldn't travel as planned, so work was more difficult. We had farm animals, and finding feed and butchers was challenging. The days blurred together but also took forever; we had more days that year than the typical leap day, I'm pretty sure. Having a plan was missing from the cards. But even before 2020, my life...

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