Altered Carbon
Anyone who knows me, knows I watch a lot of television. One of my favorites I found last year was Altered Carbon on Netflix. It was one of those shows someone casually mentioned in a chat and I figured I'd give it a shot. After binge watching the whole series, over 6 months later is still sticks with me for all the best reasons.
Altered Carbon is set in the future where human consciousness is stored in a disc in the spine allowing a person to be downloaded into any body or 'sleeve'. People have become immortal because the mind can live forever through many different bodies. It also allows for travel across vast parts of space as only the mind needs to be sent, not the body. There is a religious aspect that objects to being 'spun up' or having a mind put into a new body, and this actually becomes rather important to the overall plot. The show does a really good job of exploring the concept, without forgetting about having a good story as well. It explores what happens to people when their is no consequence of death, either for you or those around you. What happens to a person when they can live forever, when there is no end, just perpetual life?
The use of other technology is well done too. The show is set in the 25th century, so you can imagine how much has changed. Hologram technology supports self aware AI's, fully functioning robots exist seamlessly in society, flying cars (of course) are everywhere, and the weapons seem appropriate to what you would imagine. The music is a good compliment and the visual effects are stunning. There is probably more nudity than the story really needs, but it sort of works. The whole thing is well pulled together, and honestly has not gained the notoriety it very much deserves in the Sci Fi world. Somehow it is able to have a good story line, great visuals, a fully fleshed out technology, and good in-depth characters. The hologram Poe is surprisingly humorous in an off beat sort of way.
Enough cannot be said for how worth watching this show is. It is refreshing to find good Sci Fi and this one certainly checks all the boxes. My biggest complaint is there is no season 2 premiere date yet.
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