The World Around Us

It has been a rough few weeks.  Not necessarily for me personally, but for us all.  I know several people personally struggling with things and as a community in large we are all wonder why.  Why is our world full of evil people.  What can we do to stop them.  Why does heartbreak happen.

Where I live, there are more bears than people (probably), and even though we are all spread out, it is still a small community.  When someone needs a ride, a neighbor to check on them, two cents more than was asked for on a topic, or anything really, there is always someone around.  People complain about small towns and everyone know everything, but how amazing is that to be surrounded by a community of people who care about you, even if they don't really know you?

Recently, there have been a number of heartbreaking things that have happened in the area that have affected everyone.  In each, the community has pulled together for those affected, but it's difficult for everyone.  There have been many tears shed, posts of regret and mourning, and the utter shock and silence from those left behind.

I think the story that gets to me the most is about a young dog now named Sylvie.  No one knows where Sylvie came from, but she was found abandoned on the side of a backroad by some strangers.  She was severely emaciated, unable to walk, having trouble staying warm, having seizures and so on.  She had a collar, leash, and a blanket, but no ID and no owner has come forward.  This poor pup is probably not even a year old and who knows what terrible things happened to her.  The sheriff was called and the local vet took her in, a few days later she's made some progress but it's going to be a long road.

The post about Sylvie being found was shared over 1000 times and hundreds of dollars raised towards her care.  The entire community is watching for daily updates and there is more energy and focus and on this one pup, than probably any other thing in the area. While 1000 shares may not sound like a lot, this is probably half the Facebook population in a ginormous area.  This is the northwoods version of 'viral', all because of the people who care for this pup.

Why does this sad story encourage me about the world?  In a time where we see so much evil, and certainly in this story we do, it is important to stop and note those who right those wrongs.  We can never change the past, we can undo what's been done, but we can each make a change where we are, and help as best as we can.  One sad little pup who may not have lived another day, is now the subject of so much goodwill and love that she will never not know love again.  Perhaps this story will stop someone else from doing the same in the future and thus save a life.  Perhaps Sylvie will find an amazing home from all the attention.  Perhaps it will simply help encourage someone that yes, we are not always too late to help.

While it is important to make the world a better place and change it for the better, I have always, and will always believe that the best way to do that, is to change the world around us.  Maybe we make it better for one puppy, perhaps we offer comfort to a friend just by being there or maybe just a smile for someone who didn't expect it.  The world is a huge place, but the world around us each is small, we make it what it is.


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